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What we do

Rehearsing Pic.

Hackney Players in Rehearsal - looks fun doesn't it?

During our 50 years as a drama group we have had our ups and downs but aim to put on 2-3 productions a year.
These take place at at Morland Community Hall where we hold our meetings, rehearse and put on our productions.
We meet most Mondays and read through plays to decide what our next production is going to be. This can be the most challenging part.

Once a play is chosen and a director selected, auditions are held and we start rehearsing on Mondays and Thursdays.
It usually takes 3-4 months from auditions to performance date, a little bit longer for pantomime.

Who we are

We are a group of people from Hackney and beyond who like to get together and put on plays and other productions. Often people come along not really knowing what to expect or what can do but usually by persuasion and/or coercion everyone can find a role in am-dram whether it is on stage or behind the scenes. You may start off by helping back stage or prompting and next be aaksed to do lighting.   Also it's good fun!.
We are a non profit group. We lease the use of Morland Hall from the Council but receive no grants and get by on the income from the productions we put on and and membership fees. See below

Getting Involved

It's easy, just come along to one of our meetings and see what we are like. There's no audition to go through to join although we do have auditions when we start a production.
It doesn't matter if haven't done any drama before, you've read this far so you must have some interest, why not give it a try? Remember, it's not just about acting. There are many different activities that you can get involved in to help get a production on stage.

Stage Management
Front of House

However, it's not all Drama and play-reading, we also find time to enjoy day trips out, quiz nights, the occasional theatre visit and other social events.
Membership: While you are welcome come along and enjoy play readings and general meetings, membership of the group is required if you wish to perform in a play or be more involved. This also gives you the opportunity to have a say in the running of the group and the way it continues in the future. The annual subscription is £40.00 with renewal date in September.

If you'd like to pay us a visit we meet most Mondays (and Thursdays when rehearsing) at 7.30 at Morland Hall.

Please Note

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic we are no longer meeeting at Morland Hall until Further Notice.
We are, however, holding virtual meeting to stay in contact. Click the button below to find out more

Morland hall

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Morland Hall has beeen our home for the last 8 years and is the Community Hall for Morland Estate.
It's where we meet, rehearse plays and put on our productions.